
Save Your Life with Safety Riding

Based on data from one of top motorcycle tabloids 'Motor Plus' 484 Edition, there were so many people who were killed by accidents in the street and motorcycle is the number one killer. It was said by Prof. Dr. Danang Parikesit as Senior Researcher Transport Planning and Financing Gajah Mada University. He said that there were 30.000 people were killed by the ride every year and 70 percent or about 21.000 people died because of motorcycle. 

Accidents in the street usually happen to the students. They have a lot of energy and high adrenaline when they ride. It's not surprise if the most accidents caused by race happen in age 16-24 years. This fact actually worries all people, especially the parents. They try to find the most safety ways for protecting their children and there's only one effective way to solve this problems, that is by "safety riding campaign". Government and citizen have to participate in this program. Police department, private institution, mass media and vehicle factory will join together to educate and promote safety riding to the students. 

There are many ways to support safety riding campaign. For the example, make regulations more stringent in issuing driving licenses, socialize information about traffic regulations, automotive events, seminars, and informal dialogues. 
Finally, the best modal of safety riding is not on the vehicle, skill or technology, but in our heart and brain. As long as we think about our safety and have empathy for other people, safety riding is not that hard to do. 

(Dedicated to them who died by accident in the street)



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