
I Love You, I Miss You

If you ask me, as once in pain, “How do you love me now?” 
What shall I say?  My love may not be perfect, but this I know 
That the face on my fingertips, the cheeks in my hand 
And the breath in my palm that I feel in my flesh 
Can only be yours 
Like a wind song of truth that runs through my hair 
These lines say, “I Love You.” 
What shall I say more except perhaps to tell you, 
“May I invite you to walk through years in search of the soft?” 


“I miss you,” she says 
There is a long pause deep in the phone 
Until through the hollow of the night 
I echo, “I miss you, too.  
May I call you, just call you to say, ‘I am here,’ 
Not to ask something, Tell you my troubles or listen to lies 
But call you, just call like a bird in the twilight blessing the day 
Into my heart, come into my mind and be my shadow 
Then we will never apart. I miss you, honey.” 



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